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Video Company You Can Trust


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We Serve Your Vision

We serve you through video photo services, visual marketing, consulting, and being a collaborative force toward your vision. Our natural lives depend on being successful in our work, and that success hinges today on not just telling people what you do but also SHOWING them. We are able to present what you do and show others HOW YOU DO IT BETTER, than most video people you’ll run into. Our clients return year over year and profit off our finished video products for years, making Armonico Media a powerful partner in generating your visual assets. Learn more how we can partner together and what we offer in video media, photo, and social media support.

Ms. Susan Burton

Ms. Susan Burton

Founder, CEO A New Way of Life

Corey really did a great job for us on our JustUs Voices project, we wanted to weave a number of interviews together to help tell our stories of overcoming incarceration and re-entry barriers. There were a number of bids but he just brought great people, great work flow and kept too what some called an “unreasonable” timeline, but to do what we do you need to be able to overcome unreasonable odds and Corey was on it for us. Best of luck for the future.
Ms. Burton
A New Way of Life
New Book – Becoming Ms. Burton

Zadik Zadikian

Zadik Zadikian

Artist Sculptor

We were very fortunate to have Corey join our team for the recent launch of our artist collective “Produce Haus.” He was instrumental in developing the vision and voice of the space. His passion and work ethic got us through countless shoots during a chaotic period.
His ability to be completely self-directed and coordinate the team, allowed us to focus on putting together the best possible show. He brought fresh ideas time and time again, resulting in excellent content and media.
I look forward to working with Corey again on our next project!
Peter Katona & Greg Derelian

Peter Katona & Greg Derelian

Founders - AdvoGroup

Hi Corey,

Unfortunately, we are slammed. Just got back from a conference and have
a huge caseload ahead of us. That said, we are ok with you to go ahead
and put together a few sentences on our behalf.

We trust it will reflect our voice accurately.

Best of luck!
Peter Katona
Greg Derelian

Storytelling Through Digital Media

Telling a good story is the glue that binds video and audio together into a captivating experience. We appreciate the art of storytelling and apply it to all the projects we are privileged to participate in. Taking what may sometimes seem dull and revealing history, emotions, ideas that not only convey but compel. We strive to produce media that illuminates a powerful message in a way only storytelling can.


Corey Burns

Corey Burns


Extensive skills in prep, camera, editing, vfx, and the numerous elements that go into producing beautiful captivating images. Being able to connect with so many people through taking their picture and hearing their stories has been my life’s pleasure, striving daily to share this gift with others as abundantly as one can in a life. Hundreds of edited hours in educational material, events, documentation, archival material, research, thousands of shared images. Working with some notable names such as The History Channel, H2, E!, Dreamworks and Discovery. Also providing creative to some of LA’s best organizations working to make this a more beautiful and inclusive city for all. Gardening is life.

Josh Grice

Josh Grice

Camera Operator - Editor

Joshua is a Camera-Op and Assistant Editor that joined Armonico in Spring of 2020. With a background in commercial video production and a B.A. in International Studies, Josh’s unique experience with diverse people groups in Central and South America, coupled with much time spent in the creative space of non-profit video production in his hometown of Richmond, VA opened the door with the Armonico team, where people and their stories are key! 

Jayme Roy

Jayme Roy

Director of Photography

Jayme was lucky enough to be born into a documentary family. As a small child he loved to spool his dad’s 16mm short ends off into the trash and play with the film cores. His father was a legendary documentary cameraman who brought some of the most memorable images of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Jayme grew up in and around the business always exposed to some of the best and brightest.

Jayme feels he is one of those lucky people that found the right niche in life early and does what he loves to do. So as a result he always goes the extra mile without hesitation or complaint. Still after all these years he is constantly learning, improving and staying ahead of the curve. for gear list

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